Thursday 22 March 2018


The quite sudden emergence of a water foot print comes from the increasing realisation of just how important water is to everyone on the planet, regardless of whether you live in any part of World, the strain being put on the world water resources will affect one and all. 

I’m sure recently we have been hearing alot about thewater conservation; in our day to day lives, it is a huge part of what we do ensuring the sustainability of our generation and the upcoming ones. With the world being more connected than ever and more people being aware of the importance and precarious nature of the water supplies, it is not uncommon to hear about our water footprint being spoken off in the same breath as our carbon footprint.
Below we will glance at just why water is so important, why it is under threat and some ideas on what can be done, both locally and globally. Water sustains all life on earth. Really we could leave this point there but when we look at it further we see how water is behind nearly all aspects of our lives.
The threats facing water are numerous and profound, population growth has led to an explosion of irrigation for agriculture across the globe and it is estimated that water productivity and use saw a 100 fold increase between the end of World War II and the year 2000.
On the global level, approximately 70-80% of fresh water resources are used by agriculture providing food and economic stability to billions of people worldwide, which is the case for both the developing world and large agricultural producing countries, the need for these levels of production is great; it is estimated that we need 1 litre of water per kilocalorie of food produces. Water is also vital for hydro-power that provides for millions of communities across the world.
Furthermore stocks such as freshwater fish are a major source of both global diet and income and are reliant on fresh water, water is also behind economic development, extraction of vital resources such as oil and in the home water can be found in the production of beer, meats, fruit, vegetables – in short water is everywhere.
Climate Change is also posing a threat to the world’s freshwater resources, with reduced rainfall in some areas and increased rainfall in others and with the world largest source of freshwater, the arctic regions, facing significant decline over the next 30 years due to global warming.
a) Environmental protection.
- Effective soil management techniques.
-Sewage treatment before its flowing down into the water bodies.
-Improving air quality.
-Reducing carbon emissions.
b) Educating masses about water conservation.
-Through group activities for children in classrooms and schools.
-Organising competitions.
-Educational tours for awareness generation among the children.
c) Effective soil conservation techniques.
-Less use of pesticides.
-Managing soil quality.
-Keeping a check on fertilizers used, pests infecting the crops.
d) Efficient mineral exploration techniques.
-Land exploration to be done carefully.
-Preventing the leakage of harmful effluents into the atmosphere which would pollute air and water, alike.
e) Water conservation at homes and schools.
-Avoiding wastage and excess flowing down of water into the drains.
-Water collection vessels can be placed for collecting water which can be used for multiple purposes such as gardening, feeding pets, cleaning vehicles.
-Using appliances which consume water efficiently and effectively.
f) Saving water at restaurants, hotels and cafes.
-Taking the amount of water required in the glass.
-Washing utensils in water-saving mode in the dishwashers only when it is full of dishes.
g) Awareness programmes and campaigns. 
-Campaigns such as #CuttingPaani, an initiative by LIVPURE.
-Campaigns to keep rivers and other water bodies clean such "Clean Ganga"

To know more about the campaign, please click here and also, sign the petition  and become a part of this great initiative.

If we care for water now, it will care for us in the future. 
Saving water everyday will keep the scarcity away.

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