Friday 8 May 2015

Importance of Optimism in life!

Life is a beautiful blessing and a gift and that has been bestowed upon us in several forms. I am thankful to the gracious Lord who has provided me a very luxurious and comfortable life with all the beauties, hopes and aspirations for the best things that keep making me to look forward in life with optimism.
The story is dated back to the days of late 90's. I acquired jaundice and was driven into a life threatening situation. I was battling for my life. And, now when I am writing this post, for sure, I won the battle that time and life changed for me since then. The reasons being manifold, like the love and care of the family that sometimes I took for granted, for I always had them and used to take things casually.
Now, I am a changed person. I have shifted from being a pessimistic to optimistic person. I have learned to give and take importance to lots of issues in life. I love people around myself and serve them in the best possible manner.
I still remember the state of unconsciousness that had hit me, and when I gained back consciousness I was startled with the number of family members surrounding me. My mother was in tears, may be she had been crying since long then seeing my serious condition. My daughter was out for exams and she was not informed for all that happened to me. My husband was standing next to my hospital hand running hands across my hair, for helping to regain my conscious state and the lips constantly moving, may be they were the prayers that were continuously coming out from him, for as soon as I looked at him, he looked up and thanked God, for he dearly loved me.
In the journey of life miracles do happen. It is necessary for all of us to realize and I am thankful to get up from the worst state. The state from what I got up and walked was nothing less than a miracle. Doctors smiled and were thankful to Almighty. They brought smiles to everyone in the family and made everyone around comfortable and hopeful. I smiled on seeing everyone around me smile.
Since that day, I worked upon myself and thought to keep myself filled with great lessons of  optimism. I planned to be high on positive thoughts and make life more happy and peaceful. That was a life changing moment for me and my family. I was seeing a lot of things happening around me. I could sense the importance of family and the near-dear ones in life. One should not take things for granted and pay heed to the little pleasures in life. I was starting a new life. I was blessed to be with the best people of my life. I was with the people who have been there with me in the worst times and stood by me in my testing times, and with the ones who love me so much. I planned to bring million smiles to their faces. I decided to be grateful for whatever I had. I gave up on my complaining attitude towards life.
It is important for all the individuals in their life to realise the value of the slightest things in life for all the things that are showered and bestowed upon us are a blessing in one form or the other. I am thankful to my family who made me realize the importance of a lot of things and brought in me a change that changed my view for life and filled me lots of hope and optimism. The blessings should be counted and should be remarked and thanked for they have their own beauty in life. 
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